Sunday, March 13, 2011

Etsy Pillows!

I have been writing a lot lately. Unfortunately, all my efforts have been dedicated to analyzing the works of Immanuel Kant, John Locke, Michel Foucault and Roland Barthes, to name a few. Days spent staring at my computer are dark and long right now, but there is light at the end of the tunnel, friends: I graduate in five weeks! Until then, there will be more talk of postmodernism and literary theory, enough to make me dread the sound my little MacBook makes when I turn it on. How I used to love that sound... not to worry, one day we shall make up, my MacBook and I.

I do firmly believe in rewarding myself for every week of hard work and today that time was spent looking at a dozen cushions from Etsy, courtesy of Jass & Meen unofficial contributor, Pigeon Atelier. Many thanks for this wonderful treat! I have been meaning to show you for a while now, but have spent too much time reading John Locke. Urgh. I'm sure that anyone who has spent any time with John Locke feels my pain. Wait until I tell you about Max Weber next week! Just kidding, I wouldn't dare, if only out of fear of losing my six followers... The good news is that all of these are fabulously inexpensive, to the point where I feel somewhat ashamed for having spent so much on cushions in the past. Enjoy and happy Etsy shopping!


Willa Skye Home

White House Black Cat

Trendy Pillows

Swoon Studio

Spool and Sparrow

S Jones

Sarah's Mile Design

Lisar 26

Letter Perfect Design



P.S. Jass & Meen has a new look. I have been playing around blogspot, spending some time getting to know the system. It's about time, don't you think? One whole year and I couldn't change the template to save my life! What do you think? Do any of you know your way around blogspot and can give me hints on how to personalize this site some more?


  1. Love your new look! Very neat and classy, so stylish, so you!

    Thanks for including a link to my etsy page! ;)

  2. The pleasure is all mine! I'm very glad that you approve...!

  3. And thank you so much for your contribution, I hope that you will bring more ideas to Jass & Meen in the future.


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